Horizons, the Future Within our Grasp.

This page is devoted to the future. Travels, goals, dreams and amibitions. It's all within our grasp.

The horizons for me include following the dreams I've spent a lifetime building towards and have only recently come to a fuller realisation concerning. It has been the desire of my heart to move to Europe, establish a mission outreach, get a few degrees, thrive in my career, raise my children and become a writer—all these dreams began when I was only 5 years old. Sounds like a lot; doesn't it?!

God gives each of us a certain amount of time to live on this earth. As far as I can tell, I would hope to have at least another 60 years or so and that is more than enough time to accomplish my dreams. I have friends, I have family, I have my God-given talents, and I have the support of all of these to back my desires. Standing in the here and now I have learned to take all things one step at a time. I must first work toward mirroring the qualities I seek in others. Then, and only then, can I build upon a solid foundation to achieve my dreams. This is a daily process.  I think, however, that the key is in taking life one little step at a time—attaching no unnecessary hopes, dreams, aspirations or pressures to the daily life, routines, and relationships of the moment.

Have you ever noticed that oftentimes the lessons most valued were the ones hardest to learn? Isn't it ironic how the greatest teachers are usually the trials of pain, heartache, loss and suffering?  Hindsight is always 20/20 or better and most lessons are learned one minute, one day, one hour, or even one lifetime too late. Nevertheless, the perspective from the precipices overlooking the valleys and pitfalls along the way make the view of the horizon all the more spectacular as the sun rises and sets with each passing day. I have gone through an awful lot of painful circumstances and ordeals in my lifetime. As I look back on them now I can see that these events were merely obstacles created by  God so that I could grow. Actually, in hindsight I am very grateful! Every now and then in life you find a very precious gift hidden in the most unlikely of places. Sometimes we are required to take a leap of faith into the unknown in order to find that one special diamond in the rough. I have found a lot of things in places I'd never thought to look, and experiences are the daimonds I cherish. As for the very precious gift, this what I am striving to become.

May God bless you through this site & the gifts and talents He has so graciously bestowed upon me.