Family, God's Priceless Gift

“We love our children, our parents, our siblings, and our friends for reasons which often defy explanation. We love in a way that transcends pain, heartache/heartbreak, and hurting of one another (intentional or otherwise). This love spans beyond the reaches of time and distance, loving for its own sake and expecting nothing in return. True love seeks to encourage and uplift taking joy in the moment and leaving behind hope for not only the day at hand but promise in looking towards the future. Love is not a is an unending path inevitably creating a circle...Love cannot be given and love cannot be received if it does not first exist from within the self."—Lorelli

Along the road of life we all have a family we love and care for who equally love and care for us in return. Family is often a blessing and a gift, (ideally). Whether by choice or by "chance" it is my prayer that family that gives both you and I our greatest hope strength and encouragement along the way.

Like most families, mine has seen many changes along the way. Having started out from within a large family (5 children + both parents), the years have reflected a constant pattern of growth and change. The parents and siblings I have known since birth are no longer the people I once knew. We have all grown, mellowed, began families of our own, and added to the clan the brothers and sisters of marriage. In time of joy and in time of need it is this family that reaches out to uplift, support, and love one another despite our many differences.

Below and to the side are the links to my most prized and precious family members, my daughters. My girls are the greatest driving motivators in my life. Every day I am blessed with a view of the world through the eyes and faith of a child, the gift of unconditional love, and the awesome responsibility of raising God's children to be happy, productive, loving, sucessful, and caring adults. I would not trade it for the world...even on those days when the majority of time has been spent in discipline and/or frustration.

Each of my three girls have worked extensively on the creation of their own page; finding the graphics, deciding on placement, and choosing additional files to be attached in the near future. Currently I am also working on establishing a page that will reflect the entire family, and hope to have this launched within the next month or two. Until then....